Juliana Lee Team

JLee Realty
4260 El Camino Real
Palo Alto CA 94306

dre: 02103053


JLee Realty Homes For Sale

Real Estate Agent Commission

In 2024 it became necessary for a real estate agent to get a written agreement with a potential buyer before they could tour a home with them. Claims had been made that sellers were forced to pay a...

Can Protected Trees Be Removed

Cities enact their own tree protection ordinances, which are specific to that city. A long-time Palo Alto resident recently posted about his protected tree removal attempts to force his neighbor to...

New Townhouse Construction Greater Than Single Family Or Condo

Looking at the new homes built in Silicon Valley by the five largest builders in 2020 shows: 316 townhouses built, 230 condos built, and 148 single family houses built.

Townhouse construction surpasses both single family and condo construction. With local cities having height restrictions, townhouses can be built to the same density as condos. If smaller homes were wanted, condo construction might surpass townhouses, but most home buyers want 3+ bedrooms.

With so few new homes being built, Silicon Valley real estate market trends are likely to continue showing homes prices climbing faster than incomes.